Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a new nature

Without conversion there is no salvation. We all need an entire change of nature. Left to ourselves we have neither faith, nor fear, nor love towards God. We must be born again. Left to ourselves we are utterly unfit for dwelling in God’s presence. Heaven would be no heaven to us if we were not converted. It is true of all ranks, classes, and orders of mankind. All are born in sin and children of wrath, and all, without exception, need to be born again and made new creatures. A new heart must be given to us, and a new spirit put within us. Old things must pass away, and all things must become new. ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Matthew



  1. Mostly just commenting to prove I don't only comment to provide criticism of your criticism.

    This is a ripper quote: anything that re-instates the deeper meaning behind terms like being "born again" that lose their grunt to cliche is a beautiful thing. I'll even deal with the affront that "children of wrath" is to a liberal like me :P

  2. Geoff - stay well and feel free to critique away ... I like the challenge.

