Saturday, March 26, 2011

if love is to win

Inferno-Dante-Alighieri-Paperback-Cover-ArtI'm not a good enough writer to say what I'm really thinking about the love/hell question that Rob Bell has raised but JMR gets it pretty darn close ...
Love moves the heavens and the stars. Love created the universe and love will win in the end. Rob Bell did not say this—Dante did—and Dante believed in Hell. Dante also thought all of us, including himself, in danger of going there for all eternity.

Dante believed in Hell, because of reason, reading the Bible, and because of love. If love is to win, then Hell must exist. Sadly, Rob Bell has chosen the culturally sterile, ethically bankrupt, and unloving position of denying love’s demand: hell exists and love built it.
If you like to think, it's worth reading the rest ...

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