Saturday, March 19, 2011

that holy spirit feeling

I wrestled with the first part of this but I love where this landed. An excellent video.

Some signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit:
  1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed and He will be exalted (John 15.26, 16.13-14; Acts 1.8).
  2. People will be regenerated, conversion will happen, new life will be seen in the Church (John 3.5; Titus 3.5).
  3. People will start to look more like Jesus. They will bear the fruit of the Spirit. Character will change and reflect the character of Jesus (Rom 8.13; Gal 5.22-23).

Lies My Pastor Told Me CH4 from Humble Beast Records on Vimeo.

Thanks Peter for the tip.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually very helpful, Rick. Thanks!
