Saturday, February 26, 2011

wax on the gospel

Trevin Wax posted a really good article, The Gospel as a Three-Legged Stool. As is common with Wax, very well done. Here's the meat of it.
The Gospel Story

First, there is the gospel story, the overarching grand narrative found in the Scriptures. The Bible tells us about God’s creation of a good world which was subjected to futility because of human sin. God gave the Law to reveal his holiness and our need for a perfect sacrifice, which is provided by the death of Jesus Christ. This same Jesus will one day return to this earth to judge the living and the dead and thus renew all things. The gospel story is the Scriptural narrative that takes us from creation to new creation, climaxing with the death and resurrection of Jesus at the center.

The Gospel Announcement

The second leg of the stool is the gospel announcement, namely that God – in the person of Jesus Christ – lived a perfect life in our place, bore the penalty for our sin through his death on the cross, was raised from the dead to launch God’s new creation, and is now exalted as Lord of the world. The announcement centers upon Jesus and what he has done to reconcile us to God. Our response to this announcement is to repent of our sins and put our complete trust in the work he has accomplished on our behalf.

The Gospel Community

The third leg of the stool is the gospel community. Our response to the gospel announcement (repentance and faith) is not a one-time event, but a lifelong expression of gratitude that wells up from the bottom of our hearts and overflows into love for God and his beloved community. We are shaped by the gospel into the kind of people who herald the grace of God and spread the news of Jesus Christ. God has commissioned the church to be the community that embodies the message of the gospel. Through our corporate life together, we “obey the gospel” by living according to the truth of the message that Jesus Christ is our Savior and the Lord of the world.

How They Relate

Here’s how the relationship between the gospel story, announcement, and community work:

STORY: Creation-Fall-Redemption-Restoration. This is the grand narrative of Scripture that provides context for the announcement.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Jesus Christ. The announcement of his perfect life, substitutionary death, resurrection, and exaltation is made within the context of the Story.
COMMUNITY: The gospel announcement calls for the response (repentance and faith) that God uses to birth the church. The church is the embodiment of the gospel. Though the church is not the “good news,” it puts on display the good news. Thus, the church is a result of the gospel, but I want to reiterate that it is a necessary result.
As noted, excellent ... yet I would add a fourth leg, i.e., power or demonstration. Along with proclamation (announcement), we need demonstration. The Kingdom of God comes in power. Jesus came to procure this, to proclaim it (Lk 4.18-19), and to demonstrate it. As his disciples, we do all but the former. He inaugurated His Kingdom, we participate in it.


  1. Jim,

    Good thoughts! Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I see power and demonstration as being included in the "Community" part of the school. As the embodiment of the gospel, the community puts on display the life of the kingdom for a watching world.

  2. I'm with you on that Trevin! It is the demonstration of the mystery of Christ that "Jew and Gentile" can come together as one body under one Head! That is true power. Additionally, it is within that context that the body demonstrates the gifts of the Spirit for the building up of each other.

    I love it!!!

    I just felt compelled to emphasize that what we often accept as power seems to pale in comparison to what we see God doing in Scripture. Our small group in recent weeks has looked at passages such as these Acts 3.1-10; Mk 2.1-12; 5.1-20; and it left me yearning for more.

    I affirmed to the group that there is still tremendous power in what we currently see/experience - but I perceive there's much more; not for us to manipulate, but to at least long for ...
