Monday, January 31, 2011

church invite

Trevin Wax pointed out this great video by Grace Community Church of San Antonio. It's a "before we tell you who we are, we want to tell you who we were." It's excellent. And it's timely.

I've recently engaged in conversation with those who do not believe homosexuality is sin. What became evident in the conversations is that most of those on "the other side" really wrestled with the entire concept of sin and redemption and how once redeemed, we interact with those in need of redemption. They continued to defend their position that homosexuality is not sin based on a "I am what I am" or "it's hateful to call X sin" or etc... They simply could not accept that it was appropriate to confront sin, to not identify a person with the sin/temptation they wrestled with, etc...

Anyway, enjoy this wonderful depiction of God's amazing grace.

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