Monday, December 20, 2010

melinda's orientation

I found this post and comments at Love is an Orientation interesting. At first I struggled reading beyond the first few paragraphs because after all these years, I still don't grasp why some follow the path of apologizing to people-groups for the sins of other people-groups. Not to argue, I just don't get it and while I can imagine it comes from good motives, I often find that many employing that practice are misguided in many aspects of their faith. So I pressed on trying to not make that assumption of Melinda.

And I'm glad I did. Based on what she wrote, I think Melinda gets it. Here's the money quote, "[my Aunt] matters and ... she’s taught me to see that every single person matters. And if they won’t matter to the world at large, they’ll matter to me." Melinda that she "love[d] her completely, and could never, ever be ashamed of her."

That is so right on. Melinda shared her compassion toward her Aunt not based at all on her Aunt's sexuality. And while she doesn't say it, I want to read into the post that Melinda sees her Aunt's lifestyle as sinful yet understands that we are still able - and must - love anyway.

Sadly that message is lost on some of the commenters. One wrote, "you didn’t have to assure your aunt that you 'love her completely'. You should have said, 'Jesus loves your for being gay.'"

What?!?!?! Jesus loves you for your sin?!?! Oh how far the mind sinks when we embrace sin ...

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