Tuesday, November 09, 2010

colson on church

From Kevin DeYoung's Why We Love the Church ...

When asked where he goes to church, Chuck Colson replied: "I've always resented the phrase 'Where do you go to church?' I don't go to a church. I'm a member of a church. You don't ask where somebody 'goes' to a country club. I'm not talking about where you're going. I'm talking about where you plant your flag and say, 'This is where I'm a Christian.'"

Colson also expounds on what he tell inmates to look of in churches. "Number one is a church that believes in and preaches the Bible. Calvin said that the number one task of the church is to preach the gospel. Second, it should be a place where disciples are made. Is this a place where I'm going to be discipled and grow as a Christian? The classic marks of the church, at least to the Reformers, were preaching the gospel, administering the sacraments, and number three: discipline. Discipline both in terms of holding people accountable and teaching."

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