Tuesday, September 14, 2010

blinded minds

More insight by Kevin DeYoung regarding the rejecting of the church by those outside of it - and how we should think about it.

2 Corinthians 4.4 is still true: "The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers." I'm not surprised that defending bilbical marriage looks antigay to nonChristians. Im not shocked that outsiders think Christians are antiscience because they believe in a Creator God. Of course, we sometimes add to our own problmes with too much bluster and too few facts, but we must remember that there will always be aspects of our faith that are unpopular. As Elton Trueblood said years ago:

"People naturally resist the conception of an objective moral order, finding it far more comfortable to suppose that all moral laws have only subjective reference and can therefore be neglected with impunity. We are missing the point terribly if we do not see that a faith which is as definite as the Gospel of Christ is now and always will be a stone of stumbling and an occasion of offense. Because the sharp line is never popular, we are foolish to expect it to be so. Those who try to follow the narrow way must expect to be part of the minority all of their lives."

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