Wednesday, August 18, 2010

small groups are for gifts

I'm a continuationist. I understand from Scripture that I should expect God to do Kingdom miracles today and that He might involve me directly in that. And,to the best of my ability to assess, I have been involved in these. At the same time, I do not perceive all that is touted as "signs and wonders" really is.

With that said, I have space in my theology for God to do these sorts of things in any setting. At the same time I highly regard John Piper's thoughts here in regard to the small group being the place these are most likely practiced, i.e., "spontaneously in relationships and especially in smaller groups."

I think that these kind of gifts are most effectively and appropriately ministered in smaller groups rather than ... the large gathered body of lots of people with lots of strangers and the need for some kind of movement in the service, rather than the whole thing being devoted to individual expressions.

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