Wednesday, August 11, 2010

hopa girl a hoax

It turns out that the HOPA girl quitting her job was a hoax. I thought it interesting the number of people who gleefully reported her quitting. They cheered her on and were anxious to assume her boss was a jerk as she reported. Their giddiness speaks volumes about their heart. Of course, my interest in noting their error probably speaks volumes of me ... but at least mine is based on some truth ... does that make it better?

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  1. What does it say about the culture of "work" in the US? If there are that many people ready and willing to "cheer" her on? Is it really that bad out there?

  2. Well that's really the question. I don't know. Is it the work or is it the worker or both or ???

    Is it even related to work or is it that we just like rebellion?

  3. I believe that the divide between management and their employees is huge and getting worse. It really is adversarial out there, and many people are just fed up. Management rakes in the bucks and everyone else gets the leftovers.

    I think this mirrors the general population's anxiety and frustration, too. Too many people out there are like an open wound, with the world tossing around salt.

  4. dang ... i didn't even spell HPOA correct ...
