Thursday, August 19, 2010

hill on hyper-calvinism

Geoff Hill recently wrote on What is Hyper-Calvinism? Or as I refer to it as Things Calvinists Hate. Below are his bullet points (read the entire post here).

Most Calvinists reject as deplorable the following hyper-Calvinistic and destructive beliefs:
  • that God is the author of sin and of evil
  • that men have no will of their own, and secondary causes are of no effect
  • that the number of the elect at any time may be known by men
  • that it is wrong to evangelize
  • that assurance of election must be sought prior to repentance and faith
  • that men who have once sincerely professed belief are saved regardless of what they later do
  • that God has chosen some races of men and has rejected others
  • that the children of unbelievers dying in infancy are certainly damned
  • that God does not command everyone to repent
  • that the sacraments are not means of grace, but obstacles to salvation by faith alone.
  • that the true church is only invisible, and salvation is not connected with the visible church
  • that the Scriptures are intended to be interpreted by individuals only and not by the church.
  • that no government is to be obeyed which does not acknowledge that Jesus is the Lord, or that Biblical Law is its source of authority
  • that the grace of God does not work for the betterment of all men
  • that saving faith is equivalent to belief in the doctrine of predestination
  • that only Calvinists are Christians (Neo-gnostic Calvinism

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