Tuesday, August 17, 2010

dogs and dung beetles

Randy Noblog sent me the link to this post by Chuck Colson about the giving of communion to a dog. I align with Colson in regard to his repulsion toward this activity. Much could be said regarding compromise in the church here. But the angle I want to take is in regard to people and their notion of salvation of their pets. I have dear friends who I love that would say, "I believe [insert pet's name] will be with me in heaven."

What does that mean? If it means that there will be animals on the scene after the second coming of Christ (I'm not a preterist), then I agree. I haven't spent any effort proving that to myself - I don't really care - but that seems to fit my general understanding of things.

The issue is that they mean their specific pet will be there. Without getting into what exactly they think heaven is, I know they mean their pet has a soul (or an inner being). While I can imagine each and every animal (bug, bird, fish, ...) being there or generic new animals being there, I cannot imagine some there and some not. That is, to me, I do not think some dogs are saved while others are not. When my friends use phrases such as animals have souls or a specific animal is saved, I cringe. They speak as if to elevate animals to the rank of humanity or to degrade the work/meaning of Christ crucified, etc...

Let's be clear, if all animals are in the Kingdom come based on God's general work of redemption of creation, I'm there. But the notion of a given animal having a soul for which Christ died in the same relationship as to a given man, that to me is blasphemy and I wish I could find a way to tell my friends how much of an affront that is. I really wonder if they understand their salvation.

Our language and actions have meaning and when we toss phrases around or do things like give communion to a dog, we may think we don't mean what is being conveyed, but it doesn't matter and it is serious. Christians need to stop this sort of thing and learn to communicate what we mean - and that should be based on Scripture rather than romantic notions. If we do not separate the two we do not help the world know the Truth.

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