Friday, July 16, 2010

your church might not be a church

Your church might not be a church if ...
  • You never hear the word “sin” there.
  • You hear the word “sin,” but only briefly or redefined as “mistakes.”
  • You can’t remember when you last heard the name of Jesus in a message.
  • The Easter message isn’t about the resurrection but “new opportunities” in your life or turning over a new leaf.
  • On patriotic holiday weekends, the message is about how great America is.
  • On the other weekends, the message is about how great you are.
  • There are more videos than prayers.
  • People don’t sing during “worship,” but watch.
  • The pastors’ chief responsibilities are things foreign to Scripture.
  • There is more money budgeted for advertising than for mission.
  • The majority of the small groups are oriented around sports or leisure, not study or service.
  • You always feel comfortable there.
  • Church membership just appears to be a recruiting system for volunteers.
  • You only see other church people on Sunday mornings at church.
HT:JW via PC

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