Saturday, July 31, 2010

the suffering christ

Though we may be abandoned by the world’s favor, the friendship of men, earthly prosperity, and bodily strength, though we may even be bereft, as may possibly be the case, of the feeling of God’s nearness, and the freshness of the inward life of faith; yet God himself always continues near and favorably inclined to us in Christ. However strangely he may sometimes act toward us, into whatever furnace of affliction he may plunge us, however completely he may withdraw himself from our consciousness, yet in every situation the blissful privilege belongs to us, not only courageously to approach him, and say, ” Why dost thou forsake me, thy child, for whom thy Son has atoned?” but also to say to him with still bolder confidence, “Thou wilt not, canst not, and darest not forsake me, because the merits of thy only-begotten Son forever bind thee to me.”

- Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher, The Suffering Savior


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