Wednesday, July 21, 2010

marks of a christian

Owen Strachan summarizes chapter 3 of Jonathan Edwards on True Christianity. In that he outlines five clear marks or signs of godly living.
  • You love Jesus
  • You hate sin
  • You love God's Word
  • You love the truth
  • You love believers
My add to this well done summary is that one should manage to do all of these in balance, that is, they do not contradict one another. I find many who under the guise of hating sin struggling with loving believers and vice-versa. True godliness shows up with a fervor for all of these and a Spirit-led life to them each to the fullest.

1 comment:

  1. And yet a read of Edwards' own Religious Affections reveals that those attributes may only give one an appearance of being a Christian, while the reality is that one may not be a genuine Christian now matter how much one cultivates those attributes.

    Religious Affections is not for the faint of heart or those who despair easily. Or despair at all, because he cranks the filter so high that no one I know, including myself, makes it through.

