Friday, June 25, 2010

outcry against pride

I very much appreciate Tyler Kenney's recent short post regarding The Sin of Sodom. Kenney provided this great reminder:

Any outcry among Christians against sexual immorality should be outdone by our protests against pride. We should be most aggressively opposed to arrogance—especially as we find it in ourselves and in our churches. Only then will we be in a right position to speak humbly, wisely and brokenheartedly about the evils of sexual immorality and the greater love of Jesus Christ.

At the same time he did not compromise the reality of sexual and other sin as seems popular these days.

Scripture clearly states that sexual immorality is sin (Matthew 15:19; Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 6:18; Galatians 5:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, etc.). We must also remember, however, that this is only one bad fruit of our rebellion against God, one among a list of many others, including idolatry, theft, greed, drunkenness, reviling and swindling (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). And all of these, God says, are just spin-offs of a more deep-seated trouble.

Many rightly see that in the case of Sodom the issue wasn't homosexuality in and of itself but in doing so, they wrongly conclude that homosexuality is not a sin. Their logic belies the thinking of a fallen mind and worldview.

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