Tuesday, May 04, 2010

how to defeat calvinism

Finally, a step-by-step guide for True believers to stave off and defeat the Calvinism heresy.

{this is sarcasm and I'm not looking for a fight}

HT:The Expositor

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  1. It's odd that the Internet seems to have so many anti-Arminianism sites and yet so few anti-Calvinism sites. Given that there are so many more Christians who come under the Arminianism umbrella, why the reversal?

    You go to sites run by Calvinists and there's almost always a strong anti-Arminianism presence, whether in the posts or in the comments. But go to a site run by an Arminian and there's usually nothing said about Calvinism at all. Again, why is that?

  2. If you are asking my opinion, on the positive side, I think those that have a higher standard of Biblical study become convinced Calvinism is right. On the negative side, I think that same motivation leads us to spiritual pride, legalism, and acting like the older brother in the prodigal son parable, etc...

    And it's a chicken and egg thing ... not sure which comes first ...

    And we're talking generalities because I'm seeing a growing backlash by others toward the Calvinistic ugliness ...
