Sunday, April 18, 2010


God doesn't love us because we obey. But because He loves us and we love Him we obey. Failure to do so is an indication that we may not love Him. He doesn't love us more when we obey, but as we obey we complete the relational covenant and are in a better place for it.

“On the basis of who he was and what he accomplished, Jesus made his demands. The demands cannot be separated from his person and work. The obedience he demands is the fruit of hisredeeming work and the display of his personal glory. That is why he came — to create a people who glorify his gracious reign by bearing the fruit of his kingdom (Matt. 21:43).” - John Piper, What Jesus Demands From the World (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 2006), 23.


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