Saturday, April 10, 2010

luther on offerings

Yeah, I probably will not try this tomorrow morning when I do the announcements and collect offerings ...

“I understand that this is the week for the church collection, and many of you do not want to give a thing. You ungrateful people should be ashamed of yourselves. . . . I am sorry I ever freed you from the tyrants and the papists. You ungrateful beasts, you are not worthy of the treasure of the gospel. If you don’t improve, I will stop preaching rather than cast pearls before swine.” ~ Martin Luther, exhorting his congregation, according to Roland Bainton, Here I Stand (New York, 1950), pages 351-352.


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1 comment:

  1. A little blunt and harsh in language - but I like it a lot better than "Give to my ministry and God will make you a millionaire."
