Monday, February 15, 2010

mighty god

"Lindsay and I prayed with every ounce of ferocity we could muster. We didn't yell or become impatient or angry. We just spoke with the authority Jesus died to give us. We broke off the bondanges of witchcraft and crippledness. We spoke life, freedom, healing, and joy into a little boy who was created for love. We prayed over Jamal for almost two hours. I watched his eyes change in front of me. I witnessed his body relax and his mouth take a new shape. I felt evil leave and love enter. And when it was all over I was simply holding a little boy. A little boy who just needs more of Jesus. A little boy who I believe will someday run and play with the rest of the kids. A little boy who will preach and prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ. "

From The World Race ... I believe it ...

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