Sunday, December 06, 2009


"I wanted to cast doubt on the step he was about to take, to help him see there are other ways to live, other ways to seek knowledge, love ... even self-transformation. I wanted to convince him his dignity depended on maintaining a free, skeptical attitude towards doctrine. I wanted ... to save him ...

Doubt, like faith, has to be learned. It is a skill. But the curious thing about skepticism is that its adherents, ancient and modern, have so often been proselytizers. In reading them, I've often wanted to ask: "Why do you care?" Their skepticism offers no good answer to that question. And I don't have one for myself." — Mark Lilla

Doubts about Christianity are learned alternatives to faith. I wonder why professed Christians pride themselves in promoting doubt?

1 comment:

  1. I have never understood those "Christians" who seem to be in love with doubt. I think it is a sort of vanity, as if to say, See how spiritually mature we are by not accepting faith for faith's sake.

    My experience is that these are the very people who sometime later in life wander off the narrow path and never find their way back, their doubt a beacon that leads them off a cliff.
