Sunday, November 08, 2009


Michael Wittmer:

Postmodern innovators seek to break down the walls between Christians and non-Christians and emphasize our common journey with God. Machen agreed that “The Christian man can accept all that the modern liberal means by the brotherhood of man. But the Christian knows also of a relationship far more intimate than that general relationship of man to man, and it is for this more intimate relationship that he reserves the term ‘brother.’ The true brotherhood, according to Christian teaching, is the brotherhood of the redeemed.”

I see this. I see that in our love for right belief and our requirement to confront error, we have too often neglected that real people are involved. And these real people are in need of grace just as we are.

My issue is that the postmodern, in an attempt to be inclusive, misses that ultimately Christianity comes with a prerequisite not shared by all.

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