Tuesday, November 24, 2009

more on manhattan

"Great damage has been done to the cause of Christ by those who have sought to promote the Kingdom by compromising the gospel, the only power given to the church that can change hearts, and hence change societies." - James White in his The Troubling Aspects of the Manhattan Declaration.

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement and I also agree with other points made by White ... but not enough (in this case) to say I should not have signed.

1 comment:

  1. While I would also agree with what you quoted, the sentence right before that discredits a lot of White's argument for me: "When I see some of the leading ecumenists in the forefront of the documents' production, I am made uneasy, and for good reason."

    White's very first argument is with persons, not ideas. Admittedly, he eventually wanders into actual issues, but even these are peppered with jabs at individuals (e.g. MLK Jr).

    This "can anything good come out of Nazareth" attitude is tiresome at best, and (possibly more accurately) a middle finger raised to God's sovereignty.

    Which is an odd attitude for a die-hard Calvinist like White to have.
