Monday, October 26, 2009

warrant for truth

Michael Wittmer writes the following based on Alvin Plantinga's Warrant and Proper Function:

If we have good reason to believe that our minds and sensory equipment are functioning properly and that we are in a suitable environment for them to detect truth, then we may justifiably believe whatever we perceive in the world. And what reason do we have to believe this? Our belief in God. Only if we believe that there is a God who made us to flourish in this world do we have warrant to trust that what our eyes and ears report is going on around us. According to Plantinga, those who do not believe in God cannot claim to know anything at all.

1 comment:

  1. When Mike presented this in a class I had with him, it changed my mind about the value of apologetics. It was one of the first times I really felt like I had heard an apologetic argument that would truly resonate with my unsaved, but intelligent friends.
