Saturday, October 24, 2009

good news in confronting sin

Christ, who became our high priest by His sacrifice on the Cross (Heb 9.26), was tempted in every way as we were (Heb 4.15). I'd argue because He never sinned (Heb 4.15; 1 Pet 2.22-23) that His temptation to do so was even stronger than ours. When we give in to temptation, it never reaches its fullest and longest. Jesus, because He never gave in, endured all temptation known to mankind until the very end.

This my friend is good news.

Many today cannot bring themselves to call sin sin. For some it is a simple rejection of God's truth. For many however it is born out of false compassion and a mistrust that sin can actually be confronted and this lead to life. They see any effort to confront sin as overzealous and Pharisaism. As for me, I can stand with Paul stating clearly that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6.9). I can shout "DO NOT BE DECEIVED", these things are sin, "sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, thievery, greed, drunkenness, reviling, swindling, etc..." (1 Cor 6.9-10). And I can do it in love because I know that I was counted among them. But I am no longer defined by that. I am now washed, sanctified, and justified by Jesus Christ and by His Spirit (1 Cor 6.11). I don't live in shame. I don't have a need to "get right" first. I don't run from God. But instead I run to God, confessing my sin and repenting thereby receiving His forgiveness and power to live a holy and righteous life (1 John 1.9). I understand that to not confront sin is actually the opposite of love (1 Cor 13.6).

I am particularly bothered these days because of our President's attempt to redefine normal in regard to sexuality and the family.

“While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It’s about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.” — Barack Obama

"You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman..." — Barack Obama

Some postmodern innovators are right there with him confusing sexual sin with caring for those suffering injustice. They somehow confuse their speaking for sin as analogous to those speaking against sin. They think their social action is parallel with great men of faith who stood up for injustice - speaking out against sin. When God speaks of the cancerous nature of sin in how it brings deception throughout the body, it is clearly to seen in these postmoderns as they make positive references to articles like this and this or eagerly await the of the end of Sola Scriptura so that gay rights can be promoted.

What is sad is that in a wrong minded effort to 'help' they are actually the ones condemning. Any one caught in any kind of sin can be set free. That freedom is only found in Christ through repentance. Not granting permission does not have to equal shame. Not granting permission can result in life. In fact, it is the only way. I encourage those confused by sin to not try to justify their rebellion but rather to repent and find freedom and forgiveness in the arms in a loving father.

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