Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I struggle with those calling themselves believers, especially those not new in the faith, who challenge or are confused by the basic concepts of heaven and hell. I'm not hung up with the 'logistics', i.e., where is heaven physically or is there literally a fire burning in hell or whatever. I'm concerned with those that just don't seem to get that we are all created for eternity (Eccl 3.11). We will live forever. What that will be like and who qualifies for which kind of eternity is not unclear.

Jesus suffered and died that we may have eternal life with the knowable God (John 17.3). And this life with him is beyond our imagination (1 Cor 2.9). But note, it is for those that love him ... not for all.

There is a place for those who remain rebel sinners that Jesus calls hell and it is the opposite of the Kingdom of God (Mk 9.47-48). It is not for the righteous (Mt 25.46) but a place of eternal wrath for those that reject him (John 3.36).

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