Saturday, September 26, 2009


I continue to allow myself to be drawn into political bickering. I'm not sure why I choose to do that knowing (1) the fruitlessness of it and (2) that I am part of a Kingdom that far surpasses the subject of those debates.

I was reading 2 Peter 2 today and this really caught my attention, "For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved." (2 Pet 2.19). While the text is about false prophets and teachers, I cannot help but see the analogy to our politicians and certainly to some number of the Christians on both sides of the many debates they incite.

Rather than renewing ourselves in Gods truth and being transformed by it (Rom 12.2), we seem bent on trying to transform the kingdoms of this age. But this age is evil and its kingdoms established - they are not going away (well, not until Jesus returns - Maranatha!) and we are not going to be taken from them. Instead, we will live in the midst of them yet be kept from the evil one (John 17.15). And still, with that knowledge, we allow ourselves to be caught up in the wisdom of the perishing rather than that of the redeemed (1 Cor 3.18-23).

Rather than debating politics, we should be displaying the light of Christ (2 Cor 4.4). This is not to say we shouldn't influence governments but clearly many of us are so caught up in this that it appears we represent a political party rather than a completely different and more glorious Kingdom. I want to be known as one who preached Christ (1 Cor 1.23-24) and not one who posted the most political zingers on facebook.

The ruler of this world has been cast down (John 12.31) and soon he will be bound forever (Rev 20.7-10 ). Let us be found with those who persevered (Jude 1.17-25) and overcame (Rom 12.21; Gal 5.22-23).


  1. Calvin1:06 PM

    Tammy just had me read this for obvious reasons. What puzzles me though, is after this, your next several blogs are about politics. I still enjoyed the details about the health care. (don't tell Tammy I read the whole thing).

  2. Yes but I hoped the tone/spirit of them were not bickering. One was against racism and accusing people of racism, one was just asking what your reaction is and what does that really say about you, and the other are specific questions related to healthcare. I tried to not sound contentious or accusing.

    Did I fail?
