Saturday, August 22, 2009

god's great love

I thank God for His GREAT love. And I thank Him for the many wonderful ways in which He reveals this. Today I read some more of Piper's Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die. In chapter 11 he writes:

Justification is not merely the cancellation of my unrighteousness. It is also the imputation of Christ's righteousness to me. I do not have a righteousness that commends me to God. My claim before God is this: "not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes from through faith in Christ" (Phil 3.9).

This is Christ's righteousness. It is imputed to me. That means Christ fulfilled all righteousness perfectly; and then that righteousness was reckoned to be mine, when I trusted in him. I was counted righteous. God looked on Christ's perfect righteousness, and he declared me to be righteous with the righteousness of Christ.

The demands of God for entrance into eternal life are not merely that our unrighteousness be canceled, but that our perfect righteousness be established.

Thank God for His mercy and grace to have saved such an undeserving sinner as I. Jesus Christ is the great and awesome servant King.

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