Wednesday, July 29, 2009

not just for individuals

The gospel, you see, is not just a message for individuals, telling them how to avoid God’s wrath. It is also a message about a kingdom, a society, a new community, a new covenant, a new family, a new nation, a new way of life, and therefore, a new culture. God calls us to build a city of God, a New Jerusalem.

Remember the cultural mandate. Sin does not abrogate it..

The gospel creates new people, who are committed to Christ in every area of their lives. People like these will change the world. They will fill and rule the earth for the glory of Jesus. They will plant churches and establish godly families and they will also establish hospitals, schools, arts, and sciences. That is what has happened, by God’s grace. And that is what will continue to happen until Jesus comes.

~ John Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life, pp.861-862)



  1. Randy (no blog)1:49 PM

    Sounds like Kingdom Theology to me.

  2. Well as I understand it Kingdom Theology is a perversion of Truth. As written without assumptions, do you disagree? It looks consistent to Scripture as I read it.

  3. I did a quick check and found no association to Kingdom Theology ... did you?
