Sunday, July 12, 2009

binding satan

In The Dark Side of the Millennium, Arthur Lewis writes this excellent summary on the "binding of Satan".

When Jesus drove out the demons, He actually proclaimed His authority over Satan and the arrival of His Kingdom. He said, "How can one enter a strong man's house unless he first binds the strong man?" (Matt 12.29).

As the disciples also found success in casting out demons, the Lord exclaimed, "I saw Satan fall like lightning out of heaven" (Luke 10.18). This was a metaphoric way of saying that the devil's power had been overcome by the king's envoys. We know that Satan was cast down when Christ was lifted up (John 12.31); thus it was Calvary's victory that broke the grip of the devil on men and nations. the Gospels clearly teach that the devil's control and power over the peoples of the world has been weakened since the first advent of Christ (cf. Heb 2.14).

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