Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm finally making progress again studying eschatology and to quote Kim Riddlebarger:

I remain satisfied that only the amillennial interpretation of Revelation 20.1-10 lets John speak in the light of his own thought world, and that, of course, is the Old Testament now fulfilled by Christ. John was not describing an earthly scene at all. The scene takes place first in the abyss (vv. 1-3) and then in heaven (vv. 4-6) before shifting to earth in verses 7-10. John was not describing a time of universal peace and brotherhood, although he did describe a time when Satan's ability to deceive the nations is curtailed. Instead, John is describing the present reign of Christ's saints and the final consummation of all things when, in the end, the ultimate enemy of Christ and his people, Satan, finally gets everything that is coming to him.

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