Sunday, May 24, 2009


As we were speaking of the urgency of the eternal state of those around us a friend of mine said they struggled with the concept of speaking of hell. They said they, "just wanted to introduce people to Jesus." I agree with the need to introduce people to Jesus but with urgency rather than a casual/unintentional introduction. Eternity is in question here.

I realized some things as I spoke with my friend. They were reacting to those who only spoke of guilt rather than speaking of redemption found in Christ. Unfortunately, in their reaction to this wrong they (1) decided they need not speak to truth and (2) over time had become universalists. These over-reactions seem to be all around me.

The simple truth for my friend is clear in John 5.28-29 but this person could not take their eyes off the hurt caused by false religion and therefore they themselves missed the truth.

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