Monday, April 13, 2009


When it comes to suffering, the question we have to ask ourselves is not if or when we will suffer; it is when we suffer, will we do so in a way that is purposeful or purposeless (Heb 12.1-6).

E. Stanley Jones said, "Don't bear trouble, use it. Take whatever happens - justice and injustice, pleasure and pain, compliment and criticism - take it up into the purpose of your life and make something out of it. Turn it into a testimony."

And clearly, if ever there is a model for how we are to endure suffering, it was Jesus (Heb 5.7-9; cf. Matt 16.21; Heb 2.9-10; 12.2; 13.12; Rev 1.9 and 1 Pet 2.20-24).

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