Wednesday, February 11, 2009

palatability and determine

"Coincidently" Michael Patton writes the following.

"The palatability of a doctrine does not determine its veracity.” I believe this is true. There are two key words here: “palatability” and “determine.” Palatability refers to appeal, tastefulness, and emotional response to something. “Determine” according to the dictionary means, “to settle or decide (a dispute, question, etc.) by an authoritative or conclusive decision.” This does not mean that palatability has no say whatsoever, but it is not determinative by any means.

And then makes some jabs at some of the "hot buttons" these days.

“God’s love? Oh yes, give me two helpings of that. No, pass on God’s wrath, not enough room and it does not sound good. God’s grace will be great, but I will have to skip the atonement—too bloody and odd. Predestination? Sovereign election? No way! Won’t work. That tastes terrible. I vote no. Next.

And then Patton rightly points out that just because something is inpalatable does not make it right either. Palatability alone cannot be used to determine. On the other hand, if all things are equal, go with what is palatable. I like his thinking. For the palatable doctrines, enjoy. For the inpalatable, don't throw them out on that basis alone but continue to wrestle with them. In the right time the Holy Spirit will reveal His Truth.

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