Thursday, February 12, 2009

"for" or "to"?

Mark Waltz makes a nice delineation between being responsible to people rather than for them. Being responsible to them is much more freeing (for you and them). Waltz notes:

  • When I’m responsible to people, I understand they have choices. When I’m responsible for people, I think I should decide for them.
  • When I’m responsible to people, I know they must figure out their next steps. When I’m responsible for people, I try to tell them what their next steps are.
  • When I’m responsible to people, I know they must bear the consequences of their own chosen actions. When I’m responsible for people, I assume the guilt – or worse, the shame – for them.
  • When I’m responsible to people, I share their journeys, offering encouragement and teaching. When I’m responsible for people, I try to direct their journeys, never allowing them to wrestle, mess up, or make a wrong turn.
  • When I’m responsible to people, I talk to God a lot on their behalf. When I’m responsible for people, I talk to people a lot on God’s behalf.
More on the topic here.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Rick - Thanks for the link love. I honestly am grateful to contribute in any helpful way to the work of Jesus and the people he loves.

