Saturday, February 14, 2009

insulting gospel

The gospel, by telling us Jesus died for us, is also really insulting. It tells us that we are so wicked that only the death of the Son of God could save us. This offends the modern cult of self-expression and the popular belief in the innate goodness of humanity. ~ Timothy Keller, The Message of Romans

Clearing the "insult" isn't the only message of the gospel but if your definition doesn't include this, then you may want to re-look at Scripture.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I think that the insult of the gospel goes further. Because not only does the gospel say that we are fallen and in need of salvation, but that the people we would most like to exclude, whoever they might be, are offered the same gift of grace. It levels us with murderers and adulterers, terrorists and thieves - because we are equally in need of salvation and it is equally available to each of us.

  2. That's an interesting perspective ... I'm not able to relate however. I have no experience, myself or with others, that are insulted by that leveling concept. At the time of "conversion" I was convinced I was chief among sinners. That was insulting. To now acknowledge that I was once a slave to sin doesn't feel insulting and I have never had conversation with another believer who found it so.

    Perhaps it's cultural - are you in contact with a lot of "believers" who now deny how desperate their need was?

    As I ponder it, I can think of some that would but I presume theirs is a false faith and they have never fully acknowledge the first insult ... they simply embraced "religion" (as opposed to Christ) as a means to earn their own salvation.

    Is that what you meant or ??? Say more.
