Tuesday, February 10, 2009

how to beat your wife

I don't think I'll bother to comment on this.


  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Rick. If (and only if) by linking to this guy you're seeking to give any indication of what the Islam faith is like, I'd like to present a link to what a bunch of Australians are now thinking Christianity is about: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/failing-to-understand-the-nature-of-an-understanding-god-20090211-84of.html?page=-1

    We can all typify religions by their craziest, and write them off. But neither of these people represent their faiths. To pretend otherwise is irresponsible and inflammatory.

    But maybe that's not what you're trying to do. I guess that's the danger of not making comment.

  2. I don't consider those of Islamic faith to be more fallen than any others. I don't know why but I continue to be amazed at just how fallen humanity is. Just when I think I've seen the lowest an even lower data point is presented.

    So no, this was not about Islam, this was about how broken the world is.
