Tuesday, February 17, 2009

first care

The first care of every Christian ought to be, to lay aside all reliance on works, and strengthen his faith alone more and more, and by it grow in the knowledge, not of works, but of Christ Jesus, who has suffered and risen again for him. ~ Martin Luther, Christian Liberty



  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    OK - here's the part where Geoff alienates himself by disagreeing with one of the most central characters in the protestant reformation.

    I think that this quote is an important and valuable piece of contextual theology, because the theology that Luther was reacting to was equating works with salvation, and so this was an important correction.

    But we've swallowed Luther's theology whole, and started embracing a Christianity that requires belief, but little or nothing more. To quote N.T Wright: we are saved for good works, rather than by them. We cannot throw James out of our Bible.

    The quote here glorifies "growing in the knowledge of Christ Jesus" above actually doing anything with the knowledge we already have. Was it a message that people needed to hear? Absolutely. Is it as valid a correction today? I don't think so.

  2. I don't think we disagree and it's a bit of a "chicken and the egg" thing ... I don't want to emphasize knowledge but if I had to pick one, that comes before works. Of course before either comes grace so ...
