Wednesday, January 28, 2009

wmd and warming

And people think I'm pig-headed because I haven't conceded on WMD's in Iraq ...

Former Vice President Al Gore told lawmakers Wednesday morning that the earth is in “grave danger” and that the nation must break its dependence on oil.

The full story here ...

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  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Key difference: evidence.

  2. Geoff - that is about as silly as me saying I have evidence. The truth is that people believe the "evidence" they want and you want to believe in global warming just as I wanted to believe in WMD's. I hope you aren't going to pretend that you have some overwhelming proof ...

  3. Anonymous10:01 PM

    OK - sorry.

    Scientific evidence.

  4. So are you saying the "scientific evidence" you agree with is correct and the "scientific evidence" you don't is not?

    I'm unclear how you are arriving at truth on this one.

  5. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I'm saying that I'm putting my trust in the 90% of scientists who are adamant that the greenhouse effect is causing average global temperatures to increase, rather than the 10% who disagree.

    Having said that, I'm yet to have heard from scientists suggesting that average global temperatures are not rising - which would be what "global warming" is.

  6. 90% really? I think you just validated my point. Thanks.

    And no scientists on WMD's, hmmm, you may be correct but I wasn't thinking that WMD's were a matter of scientific study per se. I was thinking that there are other sources of evidence than scientific study as you have limited it (i.e., you've obviously classified military intelligence as unscientific). Again, proving my point.

    Geoff - the more I hear from you on this point the more convinced I am that you really do not care about the science.

  7. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Rick, for a moment step outside your little US-centric ball and recognise that the rest of the world has already understood that global warming is a reality and that we've got to start acting on it. So I do think that 90% is an understatement of the ratio of scientific consensus on this issue.

    And where does this concept that I "want to believe in global warming" come from? Frankly, I find that absurd. There's no benefit for me in global warming being true, it only means needing to sacrifice things that I'd otherwise rather not have to give up. I'd love to hear some explanation as to how you believe it's somehow convenient for me to believe in the cold hard science of climate change.

    Rick, no military intelligence is now saying that there were WMD's in Iraq - and they should know because they've got a huge number of troops in there across the whole country.
