Thursday, January 01, 2009

read through the bible

Hey, it's a new year and what better way to start and end 2009 than reading through the Bible. There are all kinds of plans out there; here are 10 just for the ESV Bible. Justin Taylor offers more if that's not enough. To encourage you, read the story of the 23 members of Grace Assembly who did managed this last year. I love the testimonials ... talk about great reasons to read the Bible ...

"I learned that if I set my mind to do something, I can get it done."

"I learned that it takes a team to complete a task like this, the support from the other team members helped me through."

"I learned that you can't do something like this without a great encourager like Pastor Johnson. He was always there for me when I was down and I didn't want to read. He understood."

"Reading through the Bible in a year has taught me to pace myself in other things. There are several tasks that I've been wanting to get done for years. The Bible has been an example I can follow to pace myself in 2009 and make sure to get these other tasks done."

"I've grown so much through this experience, it's such a good feeling to close the Bible each day and know I'm exactly where God wants me to be in the plan."

"I think the best thing in our family has been the improvement in our daughter's reading skills."

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