Tuesday, January 13, 2009

cool stuff ala ruiz

Our friends Jesus and Maria Ruiz, finalists for CNN's Hero of the Year award, will be featured along with her family on ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. This is the interview with the family, here is a general background story, and here is the post I made when we learned of the CNN blessing.

I recently spoke with some friends about the phrase from David Crowder's song, Everything Glorious.

My eyes are small but they have seen the beauty of enormous things.

As I think about this, it seems cool that the Ruiz family is being blessed but it doesn't strike me as being so enormous. What seems more "enormouser" is that God used a simple, real-life friend of mine to trigger this. In the midst of this regular person's daily struggles, God motivated her heart to send a simple letter of recommendation. This wonderful lady had every reason in the world to ignore His prompting but she followed through and in this the Ruiz family is receiving many tens of thousands of dollars - far more than what my friend or our church could have given. So my hero of the year is my friend Sandi for her simple obedience and for her perseverance in her personal time of struggle.

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