Monday, December 15, 2008

who is deceived?

In Rev 20.1-4, Satan is bound so that he might not deceive the nations. At the end of the thousand years he is once again release to deceive culminating in a great revolt and a final judgement.

Now, for the pre-millennialists in the crowd, if the thousand years begins after the second coming, who are those that are deceived and revolt?

Bear in mind, the amillennial view is that there are not people in unresurrected bodies on earth after our Lord's return (Mt 13.37-43; 24.30-31; and 25.31-46). This age has come to an end at that point. All things fallen and temporal have now passed. Those who belong to Christ have been raised to resurrection life and those not His sent into the fires of eternal judgment.

It is because of this perspective that the amillennialist would insist that the pre-millennialist is suggesting a second fall. To my understanding, the pre-millennialist gets around this through a rigid interpretation of Re 20.5 ... overlooking Jn 5.24-25 that tells us the first resurrection is at conversion.

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