Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Jesus has all authority (Mt 28.18) yet in this age we see the Devil at work everywhere. We are faced with two kingdoms in conflict but soon one will come to an end when Jesus returns in His glory. Until then, the authority of the Kingdom of God invading the earth is seen only by faith (Eph 1.17-23).

By grace we are citizens of His Kingdom. We no longer obey Satan's orders, satisfy his desires, or live as his captives. We are children of the light. Yet many are still captive to the Dragon and rebel against God and His people.

What are we to do? Live in a worthy manner (Col 1.10-14) and receive His grace that comes through His victory on the cross for us. His light must shine through us to a lost and dying world so that by grace, in this time of travail, more would enter into the rest of His Kingdom.

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