Wednesday, December 17, 2008

god's feminine side

Here's the preview to Rob Bell's recent Nooma | 021 ,,, She.

I like Jerry Hillyer's response to those who cannot imagine God's feminine side.

I think the reason some are afraid of a ‘feminine’ [and there's a big difference between saying 'feminine God' and 'female God'] God is because we haven’t been properly instructed in Scripture. Truth be told, those who think God looks (or acts or is shaped) like a man have a woefully inadequate understanding of God who is Spirit. Truth be told, those who think God looks (or acts or is shaped) like a woman have a woefully inadequate understanding of God who is Spirit. Truth be told, those who cannot imagine God as either, both, and neither have a woefully inadequate picture of the Holy God who will not be limited by the imagination that he built within us in the beginning. Why is this so hard to understand?

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I really like these things that Rob Bell does. But for some reason, the music on this one is totally distracting me.

    Thanks for posting it though!

    Cool blog..found my way here from ASBO.
