Saturday, December 06, 2008


Prodigal Jon writes this interesting piece in regard to sports myths Christians like.

1. Saying you love Jesus after a big win is always a good thing.

If you're neighbor came over one day and asked you "Hey, your lawn looks great! What's your secret?" and you replied, "Well, first I'd like to give praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him grass wouldn't even exist!" What would happen? Even if you followed up with, "I use a weed and feed every March and August and spray for grubs in July", would your neighbor even be listening anymore? Chances are he'd be so caught off-guard by your impromptu confession of faith that he'd be backpedaling faster than an all-pro cornerback in man-to-man coverage.

Like it or not, context IS important. Yes truth is always truth, but context matters. Plus, there's also something to be said for respecting the reporter who is trying to do their job and actually answering the question you were asked. I'm not saying athletes should never bring faith into the conversation, I'm just saying there's more to sharing your faith than saying Jesus' name whenever a microphone is shoved in your face. Too often it comes across as nothing more than a cheesy soundbite, and for every Christian who hears it and pumps their fist in approval, there's probably 50 other folks who roll their eyes and change the channel.

Apply how you like ...

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