Wednesday, December 03, 2008


This is it - the last thing I needed to sway me to amillennialism ... a chart. The decoder ring I have indicates that the chart is communicating that the resurrection of the dead, the final judgement, the cosmic renewal, etc. will all be at one time, i.e., the day of the Lord - Jesus' return! Cool ... that dog will hunt.
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  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    cool chart.

    what do you think of the (partial) preterist perspective?

    NT Wright's (Not just his, but I read it first in Surprised by Hope - made it all the way through seminary without hearing this?)perspective that Jesus' teaching in Mark 13 (matt. 24 and Luke 21) were in regards to the destruction of the temple is convincing to me.

    The preterists believe Jesus returned at that point to end temple judaism, giving a generation a last chance to enter the kingdom. So, Jesus' apparent understanding that he would return within the lifetime of his hearers is not wacko?

    Of the partial preterist perspective, I am not completely convinced. I am not so sure though, that Jesus ever discussed his second coming, except to say he didn't know when it would happen.

    I would categorize myself as AMIL. I am convinced the dispensational theology of Left Behind is an American Allusion that has led many astray and left them with a "white knuckle it until Jesus raptures us" mentality.

  2. I was historic pre-millennialist - never dispensationalist, never pre-triber, etc..

    I'm being convinced about amil because it resolves some tension I had with the others without creating new ones.

    On the preterist question, I've only heard people I respect speaking negatively about it. Of course until now I never heard anyone speak positively about amil ... so while I'm not willing to discount it, I don't have the time/energy to dig into it right now.

    If you find something easy and convincing I'd be open to learning.

  3. Can I get a decoder ring? If I have to buy a box of cereal first, I'll be glad to do so.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    You said, "I'm being convinced about amil because it resolves some tension I had with the others..."

    Shouldn't you seek for truth first, and if it causes tension, so be it?

    You seem to have done a very thorough study of amil. Did you do an equally thorough study of pre-mil by reading some of the logical thinkers (not just the kooks)?

  5. Randy:

    "Shouldn't you seek for truth first, and if it causes tension, so be it?" Yes.

    Did you do an equally thorough study of pre-mil by reading some of the logical thinkers (not just the kooks)? I read the whole Left Behind series. Is there something else I missed?

