Monday, November 03, 2008


Good message ...

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  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Great video, but I wonder if worship wouldn't be better if we asked our worship leaders to answer the simple question "Does what you're doing, or does this (fill in the blanks) bring glory to God?" Worship is OUR function, so what can be done to facilitate that happening? Does "3 songs and done" constitute worship? I've been to > 28 churches in the past 4 years looking for a fellowship where worship without performance was a priority. Right now I'm spiritually "homeless" (a phrase I've adopted), and heart-sick that entertainment has become the main function of the church, and not worship.

  2. mbgolfer - thanks for the honesty. For me personally, I have stopped looking for "perfection" in the confines of organized "church" and have made an effort to value what I find as long as it is authentic and God-ward.

    Since doing so I still have found perfection but I have found places where I can experience God where I could not before.

    I hope that makes some kind of sense.
