Tuesday, November 11, 2008

what's up with 1 jn 2.2?

I just made two posts re: 1 Jn 2.2, why? Well Trav asked some decent questions regarding Limited Atonement - the toughest letter in TULIP - in the comments to a recent post. I thought I would start some random posts in response. I'll do what I can this week. Next week I'm in Istanbul but I'll get back to it when I return.

Actually, there several Scriptures used to support the non-Reformed view (General Redemption or Unlimited Atonement). These seem to indicate that in some sense Christ died for the whole world (John 1:29; John 3:16; John 6:51; 2 Cor. 5:19; 1 John 2:2; 1 Tim. 2:6; Heb. 2:9). Other passages appear to speak of Christ dying for those who will not be saved (Rom. 14:15; 1 Cor. 8:11; 2 Peter 2:1; cf. Heb. 10:29).

I think these are worth a look. But before digging deeper, as Wayne Grudem properly suggests, we should at least start with what both sides agree on. They are:

1. Not all will be saved.

2. A free offer of the gospel can rightly be made to every person ever born. It is completely true that “whoever will” may come to Christ for salvation, and no one who comes to him will be turned away. This free offer of the gospel is extended in good faith to every person.

3. All agree that Christ’s death in itself, because he is the infinite Son of God, has infinite merit and is in itself sufficient to pay the penalty of the sins of as many or as few as the Father and the Son decreed. The question is not about the intrinsic merits of Christ’s sufferings and death, but about the number of people for whom the Father and the Son thought Christ’s death to be sufficient payment at the time Christ died.

Just for the record, I love R.C. Sproul's adaptation:
  • Radical Corruption
  • Sovereign Election
  • Limited Atonement
  • Effectual Grace
  • Preservation of the Saints
But it doesn't spell out a nice flower so ...

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  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Hi Rick,

    I noticed you didn't mention Romans 5 in the above? Seems to be a scripture which could also be used to strongly refute your view of atonement.

    Anyway thanks for posting on the topic. I appreciate it and look forward to reading. Cheers

  2. :-)

    one thing at a time ... and i may never get around to that. there's simple too much for a blog.

    but we'll see ...

