Saturday, November 22, 2008

oh no tony

Tony Jones ... stop it. This just in from his chat wit Rod Dreher.

"I now believe that GLBTQ [people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer] can live lives in accord with biblical Christianity (at least as much as any of us can!) and that their monogamy can and should be sanctioned and blessed by church and state."

Well it's not like folks didn't see this false thinking coming ...

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  1. I thought this from the articlee spoke well to your final comment.

    ("Aha!" my critics will laugh derisively, "I knew he and his ilk were on a continuous leftward slide!")


  2. Steve - yes, but I'm not sure how to think about it when one employs that kind of statement. Does that mean a critic is now not allowed to say that? Or does it mean the first person is already aware of his critic's position? And either way, what is the proper response then of the critic?

  3. Hi Rick,

    yes, that's fair, and it wasn't a very helpful comment on my part perhaps.

    I would take from the bit I quoted, the implication often made with the sort of comment he anticipated, 'we knew those guys were bad from the start' - which is often to devalue the learning, experience and process they took to arrive at that point.

    That's not quite what you seemed to of of course, an I wouldn't want to suggest that. Perhaps a more useful question I could ask then, would be, what have you learned, from them along the way, and and what do you value in the way they have progressed, even if you disagree with where they have arrived too?

    (which isn't quite what you said - I realise)

  4. ps - my editing inadvertently moved one sentenee to the end. Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting that, this is what you were suggesting or implying.


  5. Steve - I wasn't bothered by your comment, I just didn't know how one was to react to Tony Jones' point.

    In terms of what have I learned from Tony Jones? Hmmm, that's a tough one. In regard to Jones directly, I know very little. I've only read sound bites here and there ... from which I only remember a vague perception of these not being true (in my mind) or beneficial. I can recall details of only two things; I read a very small piece regarding his perception/value of orthodoxy and now this. Again, I didn't find value or truth in them. I guess I could only say that I find him off base and am reminded that there is nothing new under the sun.

    But you used the word "they" so of emergents in general, I have a very different opinion. While there has been a lot that I see as "heresy", I have found some nuggets of truth, benefit, etc. as well as some really great people. And I find many critics of emergents to be as bad or worse than what they are criticizing.

    But overall, as a "movement", I'd say the only value is that I think it's cool how God remains sovereign over all and is not surprised by anything.
