Sunday, November 30, 2008

it's beginning

Not yet President Obama is already instilling hope ... not. At tomorrow's UN conference the delegates will see "a video of Mr Obama, in only his second major policy commitment, pledging that America is now about to play the leading role in the fight to “save the planet” from global warming." Crap.

Here's what I really had to choke back some emotion on. In regard to global warming, "Mr Obama begins by saying that 'the science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear'. 'Sea levels,' he claims, 'are rising, coastlines are shrinking, we've seen record drought, spreading famine and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season.'" Yet in regard to when a baby gets human rights, that's above his pay grade.

I'm not surprised. The thing that really bothers me is that 52% of us in the US and more globally have hope in him.

Well, we now have our first Emergent President.

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  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Yep, no doubt about it - a president that takes his environmental policy from scientists rather than oil companies. You must be terrified.

  2. Geoff - you'll have to do much better than that. Not only is global warming unproven and the cause even more suspect, but the solutions being offered are ignorant at best.

    But that wasn't the point which was more that he believes science (which is not united) about global warming yet is either ignorant about the science of a human life or is ok with murdering it. You can pick whichever ... neither is ok.
